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Asset Management

Our Asset Management team advises asset managers, investment funds and institutional investors on all legal, regulatory and tax aspects of the asset management industry.


The Firm is a leader in advising the investment management industry.  Its clients include many of the best-known investment advisory firms and financial institutions sponsoring a wide range of investment funds, as well as many sophisticated investors in these funds. Our services cover fund formation and ongoing advice for both registered and unregistered advisors, as well as counseling in specialized situations, such as corporate financings and mergers and acquisitions for investment advisory firms. The Firm's practice is global, advising clients around the world through our associate firms.  Our practice is also multidisciplinary and closely integrated with the rest of the Firm.


We have particular capabilities in relation to infrastructure, debt, real estate, and private equity.


The team assists both asset managers and major institutional investors on:


  • setting up new investment funds and managed account structures, including tax matters, fund structuring, drafting offering materials and constitutional documentation, joint venture arrangements, negotiating with investors and handling closings.

  • advising on investment management agreements and setting up on-shore and off-shore fund platforms.

  • all regulatory matters concerning Cambodia and US. 

  • secondary transfers (often on a portfolio basis) of interests in funds.


Notably, the group also advises a broad range of institutional investors on their investments in funds and their appointment of asset managers. We are therefore very much in tune with market standards across a range of asset management products. This also provides a benefit to our asset manager clients, since this market knowledge makes us more efficient in structuring funds, negotiating side letters and closing investors into a fund.


The team works closely with lawyers in other practice areas to advise on:


  • M&A transactions for asset managers or providers of services to asset managers;

  • financings and hedging for funds;

  • LLP agreements for asset managers;

  • asset management related disputes (e.g. misselling claims); and

  • employment, remuneration and data protection matters.



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